Farming scales are integral to the operation of working farms, whether the specialty is livestock or cash crop. Farm scales affect the bottom line are also essential for day to day operation of the farm.

Today’s blog is going to tell you everything you need to know about agricultural scales in farm weigh systems.

Why You Need a Weigh Scale For Agriculture

If you’re in the cash crop business, there are several reasons why you might need a farming scale.

First, weighing the crop from a specific area or field can help the farmer determine the arability of the land or tracking yield of a particular harvest.

In addition, the weight when trading raw produce, such as wheat or soy beans, is critical to the bottom line of the business to comply with trading standards and ensuring your customers are getting the correct quantities.

The other use of a weigh scale is for livestock. It can be used to measure feed and help with planning and managing its inventory.

However, the more common and important use of a weigh scale for livestock, is to physically weigh the animals to track performance and estimated profits.

Types of Weigh Scale For Agriculture and Farming

Platform Scales 

There are different types of farm weigh systems such as Farm Platform scales, these are built to withstand the wear and tear of weighing large, bulky items continually all day. The platform itself is large enough to accommodate cumbersome objects which makes it ideal for weighing things on a farm like livestock.

Farm platform scales are close to the ground, often with a diamond plate surface. This makes it easy for larger livestock like cows and pigs to walk on without much effort or alarm.

Also, Farm platform scales are multifunctional so their use is not simply limited to livestock; you can weigh things like grain, hay bales etc. However, if you wish to weigh any crops that still might be in wagons or carts, then you would require another type of scale.

Vehicle Scales

If you’re specializing in cash crops, then you’ll like need to invest in some type of vehicle scale in order to weigh harvest loads. Farm truck scales can be configured in a number of different ways so to determine which size would be best for your needs, consult an expert at Active Scale.

Depending on the layout of your farm or what you’re weighing, you might want to consider a portable vehicle scale. These scales are wireless and waterproof so you can bring them out to the field with you and weigh your crop onsite.

Portable scales are also helpful if you’re navigating a particularly cumbersome load, as they’re easier to maneuver without trying to load it into a barn or garage.

Roll Off Bin Scales

Another great farm scale is a Roll off bin scales, these are typically used to weigh items as they are loaded into a bin, which is then either transported somewhere else or stored. They are built to withstand continuous use and extreme wear and tear due to the immense weight this scale is required to handle.

Roll off bin scales are ideal for weighing feed or crop yields. Bin scales can be used in different ways depending on the function it performs on the farm.

This scale weighs objects simply by loading them into a container and can be measured in two ways. The first is a count measure, where you can set the scale to count how many items are in the container based on the weight of one item. This is helpful for tracking feed inventory.

The other way a roll off bin scale can be utilized is simply by weighing how much product is distributed in the container. This function helps farmers measure the yield of crops like grains and beans to assess how the season’s growth is performing and overall yield.

Using weigh scales in the day to day functions of a commercial farm is critical for optimizing outputs and maximizing profit. If you need help in selecting which weigh scale suits your industry or how to get the best results, contact us at Active Scale today.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is farm scale used for?

Farm scales are essential for weighing raw goods for selling, such as wheat or soybeans, to guarantee that your clients receive the exact amount. A weigh scale may also be used to weigh cattle. It may be used to weigh animals to track performance and expected earnings, as well as to measure feed and assist in inventory planning and management.