When the time comes to consider replacing your truck scale, you might be wondering if there is a way to dodge the financial bullet by simply retrofitting your current scale instead of purchasing a new one. Good news – it is possible!

Many truck scales are now made in such a way that they can accept new loads cells, even if they are from a different manufacturer than your scale. While it started off with companies offering upgrades to their own equipment, competitors have started fitting their own load cells to fit each other’s models. The benefit of this as a customer is that you have a wide selection of load cells at competitive prices and can also access newer technologies using your existing scale system.

A retrofit is definitely a very viable and less expensive option than purchasing a new one. Before you commit to retrofitting your scale, there are some criteria to consider to see if your current scale will qualify.

Factors to Determine if Your Truck Scale is Eligible For a Retrofit

1. Accessibility

This one might be a no-brainer but it’s pretty important. First and foremost, is your scale accessible? In order for technicians to install any new components your scale may need, it must be easy to reach and serviceable from any angle.

2. Weighbridge

Before retrofitting any part of your scale, you or a technician must check the weighbridge for signs of fatigue, corrosion or cycle history. If there is any damage it could be both dangerous as well as a cause of inaccurate measurements.

3. Foundation

Another factor you have to consider is the foundation of your scale. The foundation must be structurally secure and in good condition in order for it to be considered a good candidate for a retrofit. Make sure to perform a careful and thorough inspection to determine its condition.

4. Suspension System

Perhaps the most important of all the criteria is the state of the scale’s suspension system. The scale’s suspension system must be completely intact and functioning properly as outlined by the requirements of the new load cell system.

If your current scale does not meet any and all of the above criteria, it means that it’s probably time for a new truck scale and retrofitting is not a safe or viable option for you.

Additional Considerations When Deciding to Retrofit or Replace Your Truck Scale

1. Short-Term vs Long-Term Finances

While the bigger upfront price tag of a new truck scale can turn many people towards the retrofit, it’s important to consider the long-term. A retrofit could be cheaper in the short-term…but what about maintenance costs? Could the newer features or increased capacity increase revenue and justify the higher cost of a replacement?

There’s no right or wrong answer, it comes down to your specific circumstances and finances, but it is a question you need to consider.

2. Disruption to Your Operations

Regardless of which route you take, your operations will be affected, unless you’re installing a new scale in an entirely separate location. Disruption can lead to a loss of revenue, so this is also something to keep in mind.

A retrofit will generally take less time than installing a new scale, especially if a new concrete foundation needs to be poured. If you have multiple scales in operation, there will probably be fewer negative impacts on your business than if you only operate one.

3. Is Relocating Your Scale in Your Future?

If you’re looking to relocate your scale at some point, it may make sense to make the jump now and install a new one in the desired location. This will avoid the cost of a retrofit and a relocation down the line.

4. Future Changes and Growth

Replacing your truck scale is a good opportunity to bring in a better model with improvements that can’t be achieved through a retrofit. If your scale is seeing bigger trucks than before or being used much more frequently, this may be the time for a new scale that can meet the increased demand.

If you’re in the beginning stages of your decision-making process, it’s a good idea to have your existing truck scale inspected by a professional to ensure everything is in proper working order during your regular inspection and calibration. This will help you determine whether a retrofit is possible and provide useful information on how to move forward, whatever route you decide to take.

Whether you’re ready to move forward or want to find out more about the options you have, Active Scale’s team is ready to answer all of your truck scale retrofit and replacement questions.