When you are using weight to determine revenue, what is the ultimate goal? An accurate weight reading. Why? Because the wrong weight reading can lead to a loss in profit.
Today we are going to be discussing weighment loss and the necessary steps you can take to avoid it.
What is Weighment Loss?
During the weighing process, you want to get the most precise reading possible. Although perfect weighing is hard to attain you always want to ensure a reasonable level of accuracy. If your measurements are off, the unaccounted-for weight is referred to as weighment loss.
If your scale is not measuring properly, this will start a snowball effect of incorrect readings that lead to a huge loss in profit. In addition to this, incorrect readings can bring on legal issues and affect your credibility.
Depending on how off your readings are, that will determine the amount of weight you’re actually losing every time. If operations are weighing 50 to 100 trucks per day the opportunity for losing or giving away product is huge—even if the scale is off by 100 pounds.
What Causes Weightment Loss?
The cause of weighment loss is ultimately inaccurate readings. So the question becomes; what causes inaccurate readings and what can I do to ensure I’m avoiding them? Inaccurate readings are caused by a lot of different factors. They include:
- Poor quality of the weighing platform (wear and tear, too old, etc.)
- Improper scale calibration
- Build-up of environmental factors (debris, dirt, snow)
- Faulty electronic components within weighing platform
How Can I Prevent Weightment Loss?
Keep Your Truck Scale in Working Order
The best way to ensure optimal performance and avoid weightment loss is to remain on schedule with preventative maintenance and keep your scale clean.
Although it is an expensive option, preventative maintenance by a certified scale service provider will ensure you aren’t running into problems that are going to cost you money. Active Scale offers evaluations of your scale and we can create a custom preventative maintenance program that is specific to your budget and scale needs.
Scale Calibration
Avoiding weighment loss starts with the most precise measurements possible and in order to achieve this, your scales need to be calibrated. Without calibration, you are at risk of inaccurate readings which will cause a huge problem especially when weighing in high volumes.
We recommend calibrating on a regular basis to ensure optimal performance. There are three main tests that can be done to ensure accuracy of your truck scale. They include the linearity test, repeatability test, and the eccentricity test. All three are necessary to confirm that everything is performing properly.
Truck Scale Quality
If you possess a superior design with built-in-protection features, you can ensure you will save money. In addition to this, a higher quality scale will require less maintenance, less repairs, and ultimately less inaccuracies.
At the end of the day, manufacturers who offer huge deals are only able to do so by taking shortcuts and these shortcuts will most likely lead to weighment loss. If the quality of your product is high, along with the components within your product then you are well on your way to avoiding weighment loss.
If you’re concerned that you are losing profits to do inaccurate weight readings, don’t hesitate to give us a call! Active Scale Manufacturing Inc. can provide you with an evaluation of your scale and create a plan of action based on your unique needs.