Truck weigh stations are a very important part of transportation and keeping the roads safe for the truck drivers, and everyone around them. But what is a truck weigh station? It is a weigh scale included on highway checkpoints that are along the drivers’ route. They inspect the weight of the vehicle and the load it is carrying. 

Why do truck drivers have to stop at a weigh station?

Truck accidents are a common occurrence with over 4000 people killed in 2017. A lot of times, these heavy loads can cause major problems for both the vehicle itself and the structure or people around the load. Truck drivers must stop at weigh stations to ensure that they are not carrying too heavy of a load, protecting themselves and those around them. They can be weighed in a variety of ways, with a common way being using an axle scale.

Structural Safety

 When trucks are travelling a far distance, the structures around them can be damaged due to the unnecessary heavy load. For example, bridges and overpasses can only handle so much weight, therefore a load that is too heavy can damage the structure and put people in danger.   

Vehicle Safety

 Not only is it important to have trucks stop at a weigh station for the surrounding structures, but it is also important for the protection of the vehicle itself. Too much weight on the structure of the truck can lead it to become very unsafe to drive. It is difficult to control downhill, cannot be maneuvered quickly, and will not do well in poor weather conditions. Also, weight distribution plays a big role in how a truck handles. With uneven distribution, the truck could tip and become very unsafe around turns etc.   

Who has to stop at weigh stations?

In Ontario, any truck that weighs over 4,500 kg in gross weight must stop at a weigh station. Driving an overweight truck can result in big consequences such as drivers going to jail, large fines, late deliveries, and damaged customer relationships.  

How often do truck drivers have to stop at weigh stations?

Since truck inspection stations are found in various highway locations in Ontario, a sign will indicate if an upcoming station is open. If it is open, trucks must stop for an inspection. At this stage, the vehicles are checked for weight, height, length, width, and axle spacing.   

Keeping the Roads Safe

Truck transportation is a very important aspect of our functioning society, and without it, a lot of daily operations would be halted. That’s why it is important to keep our drivers and the roads safe by stopping at truck weigh stations and putting trucks on a weigh scale for an inspection when necessary.   

Active Scale is Canada’s biggest truck scale manufacturer ensuring that all the trucks on the road are kept safe through regular visits to the weigh station. Contact us today for a quote today for a new truck scale