What Is a Legal for Trade Scale and When Are They Required?

2022-01-19T14:00:01-05:00May 21st, 2020|Did You Know|

You might have noticed that the scale in your bathroom has “not for legal trade” stamped all over it, but what exactly does that mean? More importantly for you and your business, what is a Canadian legal for trade scale and do you need one? Today’s article is going to explore this topic and help [...]

Could a Lightning Strike Impact My Truck Scale?

2021-06-03T13:41:31-04:00May 5th, 2020|Truck Scale|

As we approach the summer months, we can say goodbye to the risk of snowstorms and hello to the risk of thunderstorms. While thunderstorms are an awesome reminder of the power of nature, they can do some serious damage to our equipment, especially equipment that is large, metal and located out in the elements. We [...]

Why It’s Important to Work With an Authorized Service Provider

2021-06-01T10:57:22-04:00April 28th, 2020|Did You Know|

Whether you run a warehouse for e-commerce shipping or a highway truck weigh station, there are a lot of options when it comes to weigh scales and the suppliers you work with. When choosing a service provider for services such as calibration, certification and repairs, our best advice is to always go with an authorized [...]

Understanding Canada’s Weights and Measures Act

2021-08-10T15:30:24-04:00April 16th, 2020|Did You Know|

The Canada Weights and Measures Act was established in 1970 to govern the units of measurement used in Canada. More specifically, it regulates the measurements used in commerce and its measuring devices, i.e. weigh scales. The Act is enforced by Measurement Canada, an agency of Industry Canada. Measurement Canada's mission is "is to ensure equity [...]

6 Tips for Relocating Your Truck Scale

2021-06-01T10:57:56-04:00March 12th, 2020|Truck Scale|

Truck scales are an integral part of your business operations, affecting everything from your bottom line to day-to-day schedules. Scale installation requires precision in order to get the most accurate measurements possible, but what happens if you have to relocate your truck scale? We have put together our top six tips to help when you [...]

4 Different Types of Railcar Scales (and Their Advantages)

2021-06-03T13:47:57-04:00February 20th, 2020|Weighing scales|

Accurate railcar weighing is essential in the railway industry. From avoiding overloading penalties to invoicing clients and keeping an eye on deliveries, it is an integral part of how many companies operate. All things created equal, a scale is a scale. It is required to measure weight, end of story. However, when it comes to [...]

How to Properly Load and Unload Your Truck Scale

2021-06-01T10:58:22-04:00February 6th, 2020|Truck Scale|

To ensure that your truck scale will last as long as possible, it's important to ensure that it is well maintained. It's even more important to ensure that you are operating the equipment correctly with every use. Not only will proper maintenance and usage help your machinery long-term, it will also help ensure your measurements [...]

Top 4 Ways to Minimize Weigh Scale Downtime

2021-06-01T10:58:41-04:00December 18th, 2019|Weighing scales|

After all of the time and attention you have put into selecting a weigh scale for your business, you want to make sure it’s working accurately 100% of the time. Downtime of any kind of your weigh scale can cause major disruptions to the flow of your business and can lead to revenue loss. We’ve [...]

Should You Choose a Steel or Concrete Deck Truck Scale?

2021-07-11T23:10:13-04:00December 3rd, 2019|Truck Scale|

When selecting a new truck scale for your facility, there are a lot of different factors to take into consideration. From determining the best scale model for your application to renting vs. purchasing and your ultimate price point, careful research and deliberation during the selection process can have enormous payoffs in the long term. What [...]

How to Help Your Truck Scale Handle Extreme Temperatures

2021-06-11T13:06:18-04:00November 21st, 2019|Truck Scale|

Having completed over 4,000 installations throughout North and South America, Active Scale understands the challenges that extreme temperatures pose for our customers and their truck scale systems. Whether your climate is cold and icy or hot and humid (or both!), extreme temperatures and the associated weather conditions can have a significant impact on the accuracy [...]

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