Trust Active Scale to Service & Maintain Your Weigh Scales.
24 Hour Services — Calibration — Repair — Removal & Relocation
Active Scale is the largest service provider of repairs, calibrations and certifications of all truck scales, rail scales, crane scales and weigh scales in Ontario. With a fleet of seven heavy test units servicing Ontario and Quebec, we have over 20 technicians available to solve your weighing problems. Our qualified technicians are capable of servicing virtually any Industrial weigh system in use. We dispatch technicians from our service locations in Brantford, Hamilton, Markham (GTA), Orillia and Ottawa.
Approximately 6,000 installations throughout Canada, United States, South America, Africa, the Middle East, and the Caribbean
Scale Repairs & Conversions

Most weighing devices will require repairs to be performed to it sometime during its life. Active Scale Manufacturing Inc. technicians are provided with the training required to perform these repairs in a professional manner.
Older truck scales can be updated by retro-fitting the load sensing element of the scale. Existing mechanical or undesirable electronic systems can be replaced with modern load cell designs with superior environmental protection and lower maintenance costs.
Please contact our Service Division to arrange for assessments and recommendations to rectify any deficiencies to your weighing device at 1-800-850-8770.
Scale Calibrations

Weigh scales are precision measuring devices having much higher accuracy and resolution than other measuring devices such as time, linear volumetric measuring, etc. Scales must operate in adverse environments such as industries with vibration, impact loading, high humidity, exposure to contaminants and corrosive chemicals or outside environments with extreme high and low temperatures and exposure to rain, hail, sleet, snow ice and dirt.
Due to the nature of scales and the environments they operate in, scales require re-calibration on a regular basis, in most cases a minimum of once a year. In some instances where there is a high cost commodity being weighed, a case can be made for re-calibration on a monthly basis. Active Scale offers affordable calibration services from our trained professional technicians using traceable Measurement Canada Certified Mass Standards ranging from high precision Class II scales to Class III industrial scales, and Class IIIHD high capacity scales.
Please contact our Service Division for a consultation regarding your needs and estimates of cost at 1-800-850-8770.
“ Active Scale is the only independent service provider to have a calibration device to Calibrate Rice Lake Rail Boss ™ and Weigh-Tronix Weighline ™ Low Profile Rail Car Weigh Systems “
ISO 17025 Calibrations

Most industries have ISO based Quality Management Systems. Generally, these systems will require all measuring devices involved in their processes to be calibrated by an organization which have their own Quality Management System and can provide calibration services meeting an internationally recognized standard.
Active Scale Manufacturing Inc. is accredited by the ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board certifying that Active Scale Manufacturing Inc. meets the technical competency and documenting requirements of ISO/IEC 17025:2017 for calibration of weighing devices.
Please contact our Service Division for details and pricing of calibrations to meet the requirements of your Quality Management System. Call 1-800-850-8770 to discuss your needs.
Scale Certification

Legal for Trade weighing devices in Canada are required to be certified by Measurement Canada before being placed in trade. Effective August 1, 2014, scales used in trade in many trade sectors are now required to be re-certified annually or bi-annually.
Active Scale can satisfy this requirement as we are accredited by Measurement Canada to conduct Examinations of weighing devices on behalf of Measurement Canada resulting in issuance of an M/C Certificate, enabling owners of trade scales to be in compliance with their legal obligations. Our Accredited Recognized Technicians are trained and qualified to Examine, for the purpose of Certification, a great variety of scales varying from small and large platform scales, crane scales, hopper scales, overhead rail scales, tank scales, on and off highway truck scales and railroad track scales. We have performed over 5000 certifications to date.
Please contact our Service Division to assist you in determining the required re-certification of your weighing device at
Scale Installation & Delivery

Active Scale Manufacturing Inc. is the only source for truck scales providing complete in-house delivery, crane, installation and certification services for vehicle scales we supply in Ontario. Our delivery unit is a heavy-duty dual purpose truck/trailer combination equipped with a 30 ton crane to off-load and place decks onto foundations for installation. This vehicle carries the required Mass standards to test, calibrate and certify the scale.
This delivery and test units is capable of hauling and delivering pre-engineered foundation pads and scale decks for truck scale rentals or temporary installation sites anywhere in Ontario in one trip. For the Purchaser, this means less responsibility, fewer arrangements to make eliminating delays ensuring a smooth, seamless installation and commissioning process.
Our staff are fully trained on OHSA Health and Safety requirements, Truck Operator Licenses, Mobile Crane Operator Certification, ISO 17025 Calibration and Measurement Canada Authorized Service Provider for Scale Certifications.