Are you trying to decide whether to purchase or rent an industrial scale? If so, your decision should be based on several factors including overall costs, how long you will be using the scale for and the facility in which the scale is located.

We understand that investing in a new scale for your company can be a difficult and costly decision, so we’ve decided “weigh in” on what some of the advantages are if you choose to rent a scale rather than purchase one.

Lower Upfront Costs

The most obvious reason to rent an industrial scale is that your initial payment is much less than if you purchase one. If you’re new to your industry or simply don’t have the money for a large capital expense, renting may be the right option for your business.

However, depending on how long you plan on using the scale, it may be cheaper in the long run to just purchase one. Do some number crunching to determine the best option for your business from both an operational and long-term financial standpoint.

Maintenance and Mobility

Another advantage of renting a scale is that maintenance is included so you don’t need to worry about unexpected repair costs.

Renting a scale also allows for flexibility and mobility of location, whether within your existing work site or even moving to a different site or facility if warranted. Especially with truck scales, you don’t want to invest in a permanent installation only to find out in a few months or years that it’s no longer needed!

Meet Short Term or Seasonal Needs

Depending on your business and its current activities, it may be more feasible to rent a scale because you simply won’t need it for an extended period.

If you already own a scale that’s in regular use, you may need to bring in another scale to increase your capacity for weighing. Perhaps you’re a distribution centre during the busy holiday shopping season or your farm is blessed with a bumper crop. Renting a scale is an excellent way to meet temporary or seasonal demands in a convenient and economical manner.

Increasing your capacity could also mean literally increasing the capacity of your scale. If you find yourself in need of weighing items that exceed your current scale’s capacity, but won’t need to do so on a long-term basis, renting a scale with a higher capacity can help you fill that short-term need without wasting on equipment that may not be needed in the future.

Ease the Pain of an Unexpected Expense

Finally, a time you should consider renting a scale is when one at an existing facility needs to be replaced unexpectedly and purchasing a brand new one is not part of the current equipment budget plan. Renting a scale in the short term may soften the blow of a large up-front unbudgeted capital expenditure.

Active Scale offers rentals of portable vehicle scales, floor scales, counting scales and crane scales. Contact our sales department today to discuss your options in more detail and to obtain a quote at 1-866-284-2223.