BRRR, it’s that time to really buckle in for the famous Canadian winter. Blustery, wintery weather conditions can affect everything in your day-to-day business from your icy morning commute to how your truck weigh scale station operates. In order to ensure both you and your weigh scale station make it safely through these bitter months, we have put together some of our top winter weigh station safety tips!


1. Use a Highway Weigh Station

What is a highway weigh station? Well, it’s a truck weighing station, usually located on roadways frequently used by truckers (think 401 and 410 highways here in Ontario). The main winter benefit of using a highway weigh station is that all of the items below will have already been taken care of! You can simply drive in, hand over your paperwork, and be on your way knowing you are fully aware of your load weight.

2. Ensure the Scale and Surrounding Area Is Kept Clean

The first thing you need to do is to ensure your equipment is operating safely. Clear the weigh station and the area around it of any equipment that does not need to be present there.

This means inspecting the site daily and removing any debris, including ice and snow, from the scale. A daily weigh station inspection also means that you can catch any problems early on and prevent dangerous malfunctions.

If you haven’t already, you should consider booking a preventative maintenance check to confirm everything is in order and functioning accurately.

3. Clear Any Snow

Be sure to keep the weigh station and walkways clear of snow to help prevent any slips or falls as well as any inaccurate readings. Keep a snow shovel near the weigh scale area so it’s easy to access but not in the way of operation.

Remember, if it’s snowing a lot you’ll likely have to shovel the snow away more than once. We suggest hourly spot checks of the area while it’s snowing to track and deal with accumulation.

4. Invest in Proper Safety and Winter Attire

No one likes working outside when weather conditions aren’t optimal but sometimes you’ve got to do what you’ve got to do. Ensure that you are wearing the proper safety gear including winter steel-toe boots with good grip and reflective safety vests.

It’s also a good idea to invest in a warm winter jacket, gloves and a hat because if you have to be outside in the cold, at least you can be as comfortable as possible. If you really want to ensure you are kept toasty warm all day long, we suggest bringing extra pairs of socks and gloves to change into in case they get wet.

5. De-Ice Your Work Area and Equipment

One of the biggest risks wintertimes brings us is ice. Be sure to clear the area around the weigh scale and melt any ice that could cause slips or falls. We suggest using a de-icing salt for the surrounding area but not too close to the scale so the granules don’t get into the mechanisms.

As mentioned, be sure to remove any ice from your scale that could build up. You might even want to consider investing in a pump to remove any pooled water and moisture from your scale after the ice has melted and before it refreezes.

One of the worst things you can do for your scale is let water stand underneath it because that water will freeze. This can cause severe malfunctions and damage to your equipment.

6. Plan Ahead

Weather affects more than just trucks and scales. We can’t ignore the safety of the incoming drivers. Regular communication with trucks coming through is key. It’s important to keep an eye on weather conditions and winter storm alerts so you can react and prepare accordingly.

At Active Scale, we want you to be safe this winter season. Our main goal is to ensure optimal performance and measurement of your truck scales. Allow our experts to examine your scale and get it ready for the tumultuous winter ahead – Call us today!