When was the last time you calibrated your truck scale? At Active Scale, we’re always looking for ways to help our customers get the most out of their weigh scale stations and equipment. You invest a lot into them, and as such, they need to be treated with care and inspected regularly. When it comes to vehicle, truck, or weigh scales, you always want to aim for the most precise measurement possible – this includes ensuring you calibrate your truck scale on a regular basis.

Improper calibration or even just slight errors can lead to a huge loss in revenue. Not only that, but it can also lead to overweight fines and ticketing. This risk of loss increases if you are weighing a high volume of trucks on a daily basis, through more That is why it’s so important to maintain the accuracy of your truck scale on a consistent basis. Take a look below at our tips for scale calibration to ensure you’re getting the most accurate measurement every time.

The Introductory Certification

The most important step to ensure proper scale calibration is your initial certification. This certification will ensure everything is working properly right off the bat and take into account factors such as the model, scale location and gravity tolerance.

When the truck scale is installed, always make sure it’s tested and certified for its performance. Although this may seem like an obvious step, it is one of the most significant.

The initial testing will legally certify that your scale is weighing accurately and ready to perform

Perform All the Indispensable Calibration Tests 

There are 3 tests that can be performed to ensure the accuracy of your truck scale and they include the linearity test, repeatability test, and the eccentricity test.

  • The linearity test will help to determine how the calibration needs to change if there are any errors by grouping different weight sets together
  • The repeatability test will ensure consistency by requiring you to add and remove the same amount of weight onto the truck scale several times
  • Lastly, the eccentricity test will ensure an accurate reading every time by requiring you to place the weight on different spots of the scale

All three of these tests are necessary to confirm that your truck scales are performing properly. It’s important to note that these three tests are just a small part of the calibration process.

Regular Calibration

There are so many factors that can affect the performance of your truck scale. It is for this reason that you want to ensure you are consistently calibrating them for optimal performance.

How often you calibrate depends on the scale and many elements need to be considered (i.e. how many days the scale is being used, how many measurements are being made per day etc.).

Like anything, consistency is key. But when you are dealing with such a heavily used product, external factors are always a threat to performance. That is why we recommend calibrating regularly. 

Treat With Care

Accurate measurements and proper functioning rely heavily on the treatment of your truck scales. Consistent calibration will give you a guarantee that everything is working properly, but proper care will secure longevity.

We recommend checking your scale often for dirt, debris, or any signs of significant damage. You should also ensure your truck scale is properly winterized and that you’re taking other measures to protect your scale during extreme temperatures.

You can’t have one without the other; calibration can’t exist with a properly cared-for truck scale. Even small things like mud and dirt can build up over time and be a major cause of inaccurate measurements. To learn more, we suggest reading our article on how to properly clean your truck scales to save you money.


Trust Active Scale to Maintain & Service your Weigh Scales!

Feel like you’ve done enough research and are ready to book a truck scale calibration appointment? It’s time to call Active Scale toll-free at 1-866-284-2223 With over 4,000+ installations completed and the largest service provider in Ontario, it’s safe to say we’re no strangers to the industry.