Weigh Station Regulations in Ontario: Is Your Truck Required to Stop?

2023-12-06T15:34:39-05:00December 6th, 2023|Did You Know, Truck Weigh Station|

Driving on Ontario's extensive highways is crucial for transporting goods, with weigh stations serving as vital checkpoints for road safety. For truck drivers and carriers in Ontario, understanding weigh station regulations goes beyond compliance; it's a key element in ensuring the safety and efficiency of the transportation system. Join us in this blog as we [...]

Who is Responsible for Paying Overweight Tickets in Canada & the USA? 

2023-08-30T10:17:38-04:00August 15th, 2023|Did You Know, Truck Scale, Truck Weigh Station|

As seen in our Consequences of Operating an Overweight Truck blog, semi-trucks are governed by numerous local, provincial/state, and federal laws. With various legislation in place covering factors including how long an operator can drive without stopping, the size and weight of trucks, the weight distribution of trucks, the weight on each axle and each [...]

How to Find the Best Scale Calibration Services Near You  

2023-06-21T09:43:48-04:00April 20th, 2023|Did You Know, Truck Scale, Truck Weigh Station|

Scale calibration is the process of adjusting and verifying the accuracy of weighing equipment, including scales and balances, to ensure that they are providing precise and reliable readings. It is crucial for various industries, including healthcare, food and beverage, manufacturing, and pharmaceuticals, where even the slightest error in measurement can result in significant consequences.  Here [...]

Winter Weigh Station Safety Guide

2022-12-12T09:35:56-05:00December 6th, 2022|Truck Weigh Station|

BRRR, it’s that time to really buckle in for the famous Canadian winter. Blustery, wintery weather conditions can affect everything in your day-to-day business from your icy morning commute to how your truck weigh scale station operates. In order to ensure both you and your weigh scale station make it safely through these bitter months, [...]

7 Considerations When Selecting a Site for Your Truck Scale

2022-02-18T10:04:08-05:00February 17th, 2022|Truck Weigh Station|

Your first big decision when purchasing a truck scale is deciding what type of scale is best for your business and industry, but the hard part isn’t over just yet. You now have to consider the best location to put your new scale (including vehicle manoeuvrability), any project approvals, and above all, the safety of [...]

How Truck Weigh Stations Keep Drivers Safe

2021-03-24T15:52:34-04:00February 22nd, 2021|Truck Weigh Station, Weighing scales|

Truck weigh stations are a very important part of transportation and keeping the roads safe for the truck drivers, and everyone around them. But what is a truck weigh station? It is a weigh scale included on highway checkpoints that are along the drivers’ route. They inspect the weight of the vehicle and the load [...]

Covid-19 Safety Protocols for Your Truck Weigh Station

2021-03-24T15:52:45-04:00January 21st, 2021|Truck Weigh Station|

The aftermath of the coronavirus pandemic has unveiled a brand-new world for businesses around trucking with new COVID-19 safety protocols setting in at weigh stations.   New attention will be paid to the sanitation of equipment and work areas around the truck weigh station. Social distancing will be put in place at terminals and weigh stations. [...]

5 Tips On How to Run An Effective Truck Weigh Station

2021-07-12T14:00:41-04:00August 27th, 2020|Truck Weigh Station|

If you’ve driven a truck through any weigh station before, you’ll have noticed that some are run better than others. Now that you’re running your own weigh station, what separates the good ones from those you’d rather not visit again? We’re about to break it down for you with our top tips for running an [...]

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