7 Considerations When Selecting a Site for Your Truck Scale

2022-02-18T10:04:08-05:00February 17th, 2022|Truck Weigh Station|

Your first big decision when purchasing a truck scale is deciding what type of scale is best for your business and industry, but the hard part isn’t over just yet. You now have to consider the best location to put your new scale (including vehicle manoeuvrability), any project approvals, and above all, the safety of [...]

What is a Load Cell and How Does It Work?

2021-12-20T14:26:59-05:00December 19th, 2021|Did You Know, Truck Scale, Weighing scales|

How does load cell work? A load cell, also called a transducer, converts a mechanical force into an electrical signal or digital value that users can review and record.   In its simplest form, the load cell bends when weight is applied. In a compression-mounted load cell, where the load cell is beneath the weighing vessel, like a truck scale, [...]

Complete Guide to Portable Weighing Scales For Trucks

2021-08-20T21:51:12-04:00August 12th, 2021|Truck Scale|

Scales are a pivotal part of any transportation business. After all, the value of the products transported is determined by its weight. Portable truck scales are an excellent choice as they take reliable measurements and can be moved to any location with relative ease.

Industrial Weighing Scale Guide

2021-06-04T14:02:10-04:00June 4th, 2021|Weighing scales|

The manufacturing and transportation fields are the ones that spread across many different industries and functions.    Several different types of industrial weighing scales are built to meet the needs of your business use. Our industrial weigh scale guide will go over the most common FAQs to help you make a better decision when it comes [...]

2021 Weigh Scale Calibration Guide

2021-05-11T11:56:12-04:00May 11th, 2021|Counting Scale, Weighing scales|

If you use an industrial floor scale, counting scale or any other weigh scale for your business, you need to make sure it’s regularly calibrated for accurate measurements.    Unfortunately, even the highest quality weigh scale will not be accurate forever.    Normal wear and tear will occur over time leading to a decrease in the accuracy [...]

Summer 2021 Truck Scale Maintenance Checklist

2021-03-24T15:49:03-04:00March 9th, 2021|Truck Scale|

Now that the harsh winter is over, it is time to get ready for the summer ahead with long roads to travel with truck scale maintenance. If you are a truck and weigh scale business then you know how important it is to make sure your truck scales are in top shape to avoid any [...]

How Truck Weigh Stations Keep Drivers Safe

2021-03-24T15:52:34-04:00February 22nd, 2021|Truck Weigh Station, Weighing scales|

Truck weigh stations are a very important part of transportation and keeping the roads safe for the truck drivers, and everyone around them. But what is a truck weigh station? It is a weigh scale included on highway checkpoints that are along the drivers’ route. They inspect the weight of the vehicle and the load [...]

The Best Scales for Farming and Agricultural Use

2021-06-11T13:04:10-04:00February 18th, 2021|Agricultural and farming scale|

Farming scales are integral to the operation of working farms, whether the specialty is livestock or cash crop. Farm scales affect the bottom line are also essential for day to day operation of the farm. Today’s blog is going to tell you everything you need to know about agricultural scales in farm weigh systems. Why [...]

Covid-19 Safety Protocols for Your Truck Weigh Station

2021-03-24T15:52:45-04:00January 21st, 2021|Truck Weigh Station|

The aftermath of the coronavirus pandemic has unveiled a brand-new world for businesses around trucking with new COVID-19 safety protocols setting in at weigh stations.   New attention will be paid to the sanitation of equipment and work areas around the truck weigh station. Social distancing will be put in place at terminals and weigh stations. [...]

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